I've been enjoying a bit of time off lately...a rare treat! It's a little strange at first to have all this free time after being chased by deadlines for so long, so I'm trying to keep myself busy and stimulated by feeding my mind and eyes with lots of treats :)
I watched a couple of great films recently at the London Film Festival:
Both films were full of beautiful imagery, landscapes, music and colour, really really inspiring!
Another film I watched recently full of beautiful imagery is Beau Travail by Claire Denis.
I also LOVE this animation by Jonathan Klassen and Daniel Rodrigues, called "An eye for Annai".
With all this inspiration and free time, it's the perfect chance to start creating some personal pieces of work, and think about what to do for my exhibition in Japan next Spring.
I missed the Bologna Illustrators' exhibition this year as it coincided with a big deadline (I was really disappointed with myself, as I try to enter something every year), but I'm entering these 3 pieces for Ilustrarte 2009 instead, an exhibition of children's book illustrations which takes place every 2 years in Lisbon, Portugal.