Wednesday, 15 July 2015

And the winner is...

Well done Helen! I'll be in touch soooon x

Sunday, 12 July 2015

You can't catch me!

No winners yet...keep trying!
Some of you have guessed 4 answers right, some of you have guessed 2 right. I feel like I can give you more clues in the style of Mastermind - the board game. Incidentally, me and my fella always thought one day we'd go to a fancy dress party dressed as the couple on the box...classy!

Saturday, 11 July 2015

✭✭✭Competition time✭✭✭

✭✭✭Be the first to match all 8 names to the faces and win yourself a Minty Bob friend made especially for you✭✭✭

Here are the names:

Baby Buttons
Cousin Buttons
Minty Bob

Leave your answer here or on my Facebook page.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Minty Bob and friends


I've been getting back into sewing lately - doing a little bit here and there whilst baby naps. These are much bigger than my previous sewn felt creations and such fun to make! I like the fact that I won't know what they will look like until I turn them inside out and stuff them. They seem to grow a little personality of their own. 

Here's a vid of me turning one inside out:

Here he is hanging out with his mates.

A couple of his other mates went out on a coffee and cake date earlier, YUM!

This lot will be on sale at our stall this Sunday, as part of Jumble Trail.